Sunday, September 9, 2012

All Things Hello Kitty

Happy Sunday! I had every intention of blogging yesterday from my mother's house (where I spent the night "babysitting" my 86 year-old grandmother while my mom was out of town) but her Internet was down and I couldn't connect with my Mac. So, forgive my absence!

I've spent my weekend working on homework for graduate school, buying needed office supplies for my classroom, and indulging my love of all things Hello Kitty. Upon entering Office Depot - where I was headed to only pick up a couple of computer mice and mouse pads - a new Hello Kitty display caught my eye. Apparently, Office Depot is now carrying Hello Kitty electronic accessories - headphones, USB connectors, multi-port outlets, and iPad cases. I saw the HK iPad case and HAD to have it, as it combines two of my favorite loves - pink and Hello Kitty!

I also found some HK goodies at Target last weekend, as well - a daily planner and a journal. 

I also picked up a new backpack to ring in my new school year. If you hadn't already is also Hello Kitty.

I'd like to say that my love (er, obsession) of Hello Kitty simply consists of some stationary and a backpack. However, it doesn't - I have an entire shelf in my walk-in stuffed with stationary, pencils, pens, erasers, stamps, and other HK items that I've collected over the last few years. I recently ordered another HK lanyard/ID holder and found a HK earring set at Payless. 

I think I blame my mom for this love of all things Hello Kitty. She first took me to Sanrio when I was eight-years-old and has encouraged and fostered this love over the years. My grandmother did also - she would take my sister and I to Sanrio every August before school started and she'd buy me a new pencil box and pencils for the school year. 

Thanks, Mom and Grandma.

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