I spent most of last night laying in bed, excited about finally getting my teacher blog up and running (yes, I'm a nerd like that!) I woke up this morning, excited and ready to get started on my blog when I realized I needed something to get - and keep - me organized with my blogging.
I spent some time this morning browsing around and found a lovely little blog planner on Sew Tara but realized that despite it's cuteness, I wanted something I could add to the pages inside my DIY Lesson Plan Book (photos and entry of that to come soon!) So I took her general concept and created something of my own using Word. Here's a preview...
If you'd like to download it for your own personal use, click here. I hope you guys like it!
UPDATE: I decided I also wanted to create an additional page for my weekly blog planner, so that it created a full page spread and would keep to the esthetic of my lesson plan book. If you'd like Page 2, click here.

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